8. Redhat Linux : RHCE 6
Log files:
* variable messages are stored in /var file
* three types of logs:
system logs ( /var/log/messages )
secure logs ( /var/log/secure )
kernel logs ( /var/log/dmesg )
* rsyslogd generates the logs in RHEL 6
* syslogd + klogd in RHEL 5
* 546 is the port for logs
* config file is /etc/rsyslog.conf
2 fields:
* NTP (Network time protocol) is used to maintain network time
* logrotate is used to reuse the same server in particular period after backup
* /etc/logrotate.conf
* /etc/hosts is called cache DNS
* Primary DNS:
* Secondary DNS:
to support primary, so it is called failover.
also be used in load balancing
* Teritiary DNS:
can be used as cache
* Domain server gives the local mounting(eg: gmail)
* LDAP : Light weight access protocol
* NIS(Network Information Storage) : Active directory for linux
* scsi-target-utils is the package
* tgtd is the service
* /etc/tgt/target.conf
Steps to do at server:
1. fdisk /dev/sda
2. partprobe /dev/sda
3. pvcreate /dev/sdxy
4. vgcreate vg1 /dev/sdxy
5. lvcreate -n lv1 -L 460M vg1
6. yum install scsi-target -y
7. vim /etc/tgt/targets.conf
8. service tgtd restart
9. chkconfig iptables on
Steps to do at client:
1. yum install scsi-target -y
2. iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p server_ip
3. iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2015-04.com.exapmle:server1.target1 -l
4. fdisk -l
5. iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.2015-16.com.example:server.target1 -u
6. mount
TCP Wrappers
* /etc/hosts.allow stores the users to deny
* /etc/hosts.deny
Disk Quota
* to give some space reserved for users
* 2 limits:
soft limits(if it cross the limit, say 1 GB, it will display warning and allow to create more files)
hard limits(if it cross the limit, say 1 GB, it will not display warning and do not allow to create more files)
* edquota to edit quota
* repquota for listing quotas
Commands for the day:
* edquota username
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